
Intuition Versus Analysis? Testing Differential Models of Cognitive Style on Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy and the New Venture Creation Process

in Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, 33 (2)

ISSN : 1042-2587

Kickul, Jill ; Gundry, Lisa ; Dubard-Barbosa, Saulo (1980-....) ; Whitcanack, Laney

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This research revealed the significant role of two distinct cognitive styles as a determinant of perceived entrepreneurial self-efficacy regarding the different stages of the new venture process. The study found that individuals’ cognitive preference for analysis or intuition influences their perception and assessment of their entrepreneurial self-efficacy in their intentions to create a new venture. Individuals with the intuitive cognitive style were more confident in their ability to identify ... and recognize opportunities, without much confidence in their capacity of assessment, evaluation, planning, and marshalling of resources. Conversely, individuals with the analytic cognitive style were more confident in their abilities to assess, evaluate, plan, and marshal resources, but felt less confident in their abilities to search for and recognize new opportunities.

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