
A system-wide integrated methodology for intervening in organizations : the ISEOR approach

in Current trends in management consulting

Savall, Henri ; Zardet, Véronique ; Bonnet, Marc ; Moore, Rickie (1963-....)

BUONO, A.F.. Directeur de publication

2001 - 105-125 P.

Consultants paly a vital role in helping organizations respond to the challenges of their environments, both internally and externally. Academics increasingly exercise their talents as consultants and many of the models employed are based on reductive approach to complex management problems. Resultantly, many interventions fail and even create more problems than they solve. This chapter presents a successful and comprehensive system-wide performance improvement model that has been tested ... worldwide. It shows how consultants can better integrate the different interactions between the area of their intervention and the other dimensions of management and organization within the firm, thus increasing the success of their interventions.

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