
Social entrepreneurship : A grounded learning approach to social value creation

in Journal of enterprising culture, 16 (4)

ISSN : 0218-4958

Smith, Brett ; Barr, Terry Feldman ; Dubard-Barbosa, Saulo (1980-....) ; Kickul, Jill

Voir la revue «Journal of Enterprising Culture»

Autres numéros de la revue «Journal of Enterprising Culture»

The value of the inclusion of social entrepreneurship in entrepreneurship education courses and programs is considered in light of the increase in social entrepreneurial ventures worldwide as well as changing business school requirements. Using a grounded learning theory approach as a foundation, we consider factors unique to social entrepreneurship and present a live case social venture which provides hands-on experience to students. Student comments regarding their learning through this ... experience are also included. Future directions for social entrepreneurship education pedagogy and research are discussed.

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