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How Mindsets Set the Stage for Career Success
in Academy of Management Proceedings, 2013 (1)
Voir la revue «Academy of Management Proceedings»
For almost a century, career scholars have developed theories, research and interventions to help people to (i) find a career role that fits their given character type (i.e., personality), as well as to (ii) develop their more malleable career attributes (e.g., networking skills). We revisit this broad dichotomy drawing upon research on mindsets about the malleability of human attributes – such as personality and cognitive ability – that influence how people think and act in career relevant
ways. We show how mindsets can prime change in the presumably stable dispositions of personality and cognitive ability that are associated with both objective and subjective career success. The scope for mindsets to be altered also has implications for understanding and influencing the development of human capital, as well as a host of other personal attributes (i.e., self-efficacy, networking skills, and adaptability) addressed by the career facilitation literature. By critiquing the presumed rigidity of some of the most well-established antecedents of career success, we show how mindset theory and research can fruitfully inform careers theory, research, and interventions aimed at fostering career success.
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