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In Learning Mode? : The Role of Mindsets in Experiential Leadership Development
Academy of Management 2015 - Ref. 10.5465/ambpp.2015.10023abstract
Compared to the massive literatures on leadership theories, behaviors, concepts, frameworks, and skills, scant attention has been paid to why leaders often learn little from their experiences and how they can learn to become better leaders. A notable exception is the mindful engagement experiential learning process (Ashford & DeRue, 2012), which addresses both these issues. Drawing on extensive social, educational, and organizational psychological research on mindsets, we aim to supplement this
framework by proposing the concept of being in learning mode, defined as being intentionally focused on each of the tasks of mindful engagement with a growth rather than a fixed mindset. We outline concrete practical implications for individual leaders, those who manage leaders, and organizations eager to support leadership development. We also suggest several lines of research regarding the role of being in learning mode for enabling experiential leadership development.
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