
One pie, many recipes : Alternative paths to high brand strength

in Journal of Business Research, 69 (6)

Grohs, Reinhard ; Raïes, Karine (1980-....) ; Koll, Oliver ; Muhlbacher, Hans

Voir la revue «Journal of Business Research»

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Brand strength, defined as an evaluative or behavioral response to a brand, is at the heart of brand management. This research studies the simultaneous influence of number, favorability, consensus (measured and perceived), and uniqueness of brand associations on brand strength in two product categories: gasoline and toothpaste. The study combines multiple regression analysis (MRA) and fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) to gain a nuanced understanding how distinct combinations of ... brand association characteristics influence brand strength. The findings illuminate complex brand-association configurations that drive brand equity and contribute to the development of a theory of brand strength and its drivers. Such a theory serves managers who position their brands in the marketplace and aids companies' brand building activities.

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