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Serious games for managers : Creating cognitive, financial, technological, social, and emotional value in in-service training
in Journal of Business Research, 146
Voir la revue «Journal of Business Research»
Autres numéros de la revue «Journal of Business Research»
This article analyzes the value creation of serious games along five dimensions: (1) product design, (2) cost optimization, (3) impact on cognition, (4) experienced emotions, and (5) the socialization process. This research adopts an exploratory approach, mixes qualitative and quantitative methods, and is based on the case study of AXA, the number 1 global insurance brand. The authors interviewed learners, trainers, and managers from the company. The originality lies in the comparison of five
different training methods: face-to-face, videoconference, non-tutored e-learning, tutored e-learning, and serious games. The qualitative study reveals that serious games create value according to five dimensions: conception, optimization, cognition, emotion, and socialization. The four recommendations are: (1) to integrate serious games into a wide-ranging training protocol; (2) to balance face-to-face and distance-learning phases; (3) to assess knowledge transfer and to check that learners can use what they learned in the real world; and (4) to ensure learner self-awareness and enhance cognitive engagement. The quantitative study suggests that value created by serious games is significantly different from value created by other learning methods. Additionally, managers recognize significantly higher value creation than trainers and learners.
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