
Le rôle de l'émotion dans la prise de décision intuitive : zoom sur les réalisateurs-décideurs en période de tournage

in M@n@gement, 12 (2)

ISSN : 1286-4892

Coget, Jean-François ; Haag, Christophe (1979-....) ; Bonnefous, Annabel-Mauve

Voir la revue «M@n@gement»

While most researchers agree that emotions play an important role in the process of intuitive decision-making (IDM), few have investigated that role empirically. This article aims at filling that gap by investigating the role of emotion in IDM through an exploratory study of movie directors in the field. The data suggests that three types of emotions can influence IDM: emotions related to expertise, emotions related to a non-task relevant experience, or spontaneous emotions that are unrelated ... to either expertise or past experiences. Our data also suggests the conditions under which IDM is replaced by rational decision making (RDM), or the delegation of decision making (DDM). We derive theoretical and managerial implications based on our findings.

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