
An integrated data analysis of configurations of supply chain integration

in Cluster Computing, 22 (suppl 3)

Liu, Jiawen ; Zhang, Jinlong ; Gong, Yeming (1976-....)

Voir la revue «Cluster Computing»

While some research contends that supply chain integration improves operations competency, other argues that the impact of supply chain integration on operations competency is less significant or not so clear. Based on empirical testing typologies and uncovering taxonomies, this paper examined the linkages among customer–supplier integration, supply chain process integration, cost competency, and flexibility competency empirically in strategic fit research and advances a new conceptual ... perspective to investigate supply chain integration. Using a sample of 124 organizations in the retailing industry, this paper found three configurations of supply chain integration with strategic fit to operational competencies for superior business performance. Case studies based on 56 organizations in three configurations were conducted to provide additional insights for strategic fit and we utilized multiple discriminant analysis to assess the validity of three configurations. We provide a new framework for theoretical advances in the supply chain integration field and help practitioners make decisions for strategic-fit supply chains across multiple departments.

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