
Inventory Replenishment Models with Advance Demand Information for Agricultural Online Retailers

in Operations Research Proceedings 2013

Xu, Haoxuan ; Gong, Yeming (1976-....) ; Chu, Chengbin ; Zhang, Jinlong

Huisman, Dennis. Directeur de publication ; Louwerse, Ilse. Directeur de publication ; Wagelmans, Albert P. M.. Directeur de publication

Springer 2014 - 487-493 P.

This paper studies the inventory replenishment planning problems for agricultural online retailers able to obtain advance demand information (ADI) in an environment of time-varying demands. We incorporate ADI into dynamic lot-sizing (DLS) models to formulate the replenishment planning problems for agricultural online retailers. We consider three scenarios in this research. (1) Companies act as pure-play online retailers with customers homogeneous in demand lead time. (2) Online customers are ... heterogeneous in demand lead time with priorities. (3) Online retailers operate in a bricks-and-clicks structure, in which demands come from both online and offline channels. These channels can be either independent or interactive.

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